
63 lines
1.5 KiB

header('Content-type: text/xml');
Runs from a directory containing files to provide an
RSS 2.0 feed that contains the list and modification times for all the
files. Thanks to vsoch on GitHub!
$feedName = "dym's random audio finds";
$feedDesc = "feed of audio files";
$feedURL = "https://web.dym.sh/audio/rss.xml";
$feedBaseURL = "https://web.dym.sh/audio/"; // must end in trailing forward slash (/).
// $allowed_ext = ".mp4,.mp3,.webm,.ogg,.flac";
echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>';
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title><?= $feedName ?></title>
<link><?= $feedURL ?></link>
<description><?= $feedDesc ?></description>
$items = [];
$sub = "";
$dir = opendir("./");
while( $file = readdir($dir) )
$ext = strtolower( pathinfo($sub.$file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) );
if( '.' !== $file
&& '..' !== $file
&& 'index.php' !== $file
&& 'index.html' !== $file
&& !is_dir($file)
// && 0 < strpos($allowed_ext, $ext)
) {
$item['name'] = $sub.$file;
$item['timestamp'] = filectime($sub.$file);
$item['size'] = filesize($sub.$file);
$items[] = $item;
// natcasesort($items);
foreach($items as $item) {
if (!empty($item['name'])) {
$title = $item['name'];
$link = $feedBaseURL . urlencode( $item['name'] );
$dt = date( DATE_RSS, $item['timestamp'] );
echo <<<__item__