var GitIO = function ( ) { var API_ENDPOINT = '' this.invoke = function ( command, params, response_callback ) { if( 'generate' == command ) { requestForShortenUrl ( params.url , params.code , function ( data ) { response_callback( data ) } ) } } var requestForShortenUrl = function ( url, code, callback ) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest( ) var form_data = new FormData( ) form_data.append( 'url', url ) if( code ) { form_data.append( 'code', code ) } xhr.onload = function ( e ) { if( 201 == this.status ) { callback ({ 'status': 'OK' , 'shortened_url' : this.getResponseHeader( 'Location' ) }) } else { callback ({ 'status' : 'Error' , 'error' : { 'code' : this.status , 'message' : this.responseText } }) } } 'POST', API_ENDPOINT, true ) xhr.send( form_data ) } } chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener ( function ( request, sender, sendResponse ) { GitIO.invoke( request.command, request.params, sendResponse ) } ) localStorage.getItem( 'notFirstRun', function ( arr ) { if( arr['notFirstRun'] ) return var shrtList = { '' : '' , '' : '' , '' : '' } localStorage.setItem( 'shrtList', shrtList ) localStorage.setItem( 'notFirstRun', true ) }) var shrt_field = document.getElementById( 'shortened-url' ) , url_field = document.getElementById( 'full-url' ) , notifications = document.getElementById( 'notifications' ) , message_field = document.getElementById( 'message' ) , action_button = document.getElementById( 'action-button' ) , show_all_recent_links = document.getElementById( 'show-all-recent-links' ) , clear_list = document.getElementById( 'clear-list' ) , recent_links = document.getElementById( 'recent-links' ) , lis = recent_links.getElementsByTagName( 'li' ) var shrtLink = function ( ) { getShortenedUrl( ) } action_button.addEventListener( 'click', shrtLink ) localStorage.getItem( function ( arr ) { for( var k in arr ) { createShrtListElement( k, arr[k]) } }) var setMessage = function ( message ) { message_field.innerHTML = message } var copyResultToClipboard = function ( field ) { ) document.execCommand( 'Copy' ) notifications.classList.remove( 'error' ) notifications.classList.add( 'done' ) setMessage( 'Link is copied to the clipboard.' ) } var bindBtnToCoopy = function ( ) { action_button.removeEventListener( 'click', shrtLink, false ) action_button.addEventListener( 'click', function ( ) { copyResultToClipboard( shrt_field ) }) action_button.innerHTML = 'cpy!' action_button.classList.remove( 'error' ) action_button.classList.add( 'done' ) notifications.classList.remove( 'error' ) notifications.classList.add( 'done' ) setMessage( 'You can now copy the link by clicking “cpy!”' + ' It will also stay in your shrt-list if you ever need it again.' ) } var createShrtListElement = function ( shrt, fullUrl, flashListsElement ) { if( !/^https?:\/\/git\.io\/.+/.test( shrt ) ) return var listElement = document.createElement( 'li' ) , listInput = document.createElement( 'input' ) , listVisit = document.createElement( 'a' ) , listCopy = document.createElement( 'a' ) listInput.value = shrt listInput.type = 'text' listInput.readOnly = true listVisit.href = shrt = '_new' listVisit.title = 'Open link in new tab' listVisit.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '' )) listCopy.href = '#copy' listCopy.title = 'Copy link to clipboard' listCopy.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '' )) listCopy.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) { copyResultToClipboard ( e.currentTarget.parentNode .getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[0] ) e.preventDefault( ) }) listElement.title = fullUrl listElement.appendChild( listInput ) listElement.appendChild( listVisit ) listElement.appendChild( listCopy ) if( flashListsElement ) { listElement.classList.add( 'current' ) } recent_links.insertBefore ( listElement, recent_links.firstChild ) testShrtListLength( ) } var getShortenedUrl = function ( ) { var request_data = { 'command': 'generate' , 'params': { 'url': url_field , 'code': shrt_field.value } } chrome.extension.sendRequest( request_data, function ( data ) { if( 'OK' == data.status ) { // TODO: notice if sent and recived shortened are different shrt_field.value = data.shortened_url bindBtnToCoopy( ) localStorage.getItem( data.shortened_url, function ( arr ) { if( !arr[data.shortened_url] ) { var urlPair = { } urlPair[data.shortened_url] = tab.url localStorage.setItem( urlPair ) } else { // bump to the top and '.current' the one in the list } }) } else if( 'Error' == data.status ) { action_button.innerHTML = 'rrr!' action_button.classList.remove( 'done' ) action_button.classList.add( 'error' ) notifications.classList.remove( 'done' ) notifications.classList.add( 'error' ) setMessage( data.error.code + ': ' + data.error.message ) } else { action_button.innerHTML = '??!' action_button.classList.remove( 'done' ) action_button.classList.add( 'error' ) notifications.classList.remove( 'done' ) notifications.classList.add( 'error' ) setMessage( data.status ) } }) } var testShrtListLength = function ( ) { if( lis.length > 3 ) { = 'block' show_all_recent_links.getElementsByTagName( 'li' )[0] .innerHTML = '▾ show ' + ( lis.length-3 ) + ' more ▾' show_all_recent_links.addEventListener( 'click', function ( ) { for( var i = 3; i < lis.length; i++ ) { lis[i].style.display = 'block' } = 'none' = 'block' clear_list.addEventListener( 'click', function ( ) { while( lis[0] ) { lis[0].parentNode.removeChild( lis[0]) } localStorage.clear( ) localStorage.setItem( 'notFirstRun', true ) = 'none' }) }) } } function ( changes, namespace ) { for( key in changes ) { if( changes[key].newValue ) { createShrtListElement( key, changes[key], true ) } } })