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2023-06-18 15:34:39 +02:00
# i3-config
> fullscreen apps switching
- fullsreen
- nothing except apps (no decorations, not even statusbar)
- dark-gray colors
## keys
- `Print` save screenshot as a png file, [prtsc](../zsh/
- `Meta + Shift + Q` quit current app
- `Meta + Shift + K` restart i3 (reloads config in the process)
- `Ctrl + Alt + Delete`, `Meta + Alt + Break` logout
### workspaces
- `Meta + [KP_]{0..9}` switch to workspace Nr. (also automatically opens some [apps](#apps) if they not already running)
- `Meta + Alt + [KP_]{0..9}` move window to workspace Nr.
- `Meta [+ Shift] + Tab` switch to next [prev] workspace
### windows
- `Meta [+ Shift] + grave` focus next window to the right [left]
- `Meta + Shift + KP_2` move the window down
- `Meta + Shift + KP_4` move the window to the left
- `Meta + Shift + KP_6` move the window to the right
- `Meta + Shift + KP_8` move the window up
- `Meta + Shift + KP_5` toggle floating window
- `Meta + Shift + KP_0` toggle fullscreen (same as `F11` in some apps)
### apps
- `Meta + Return` universal launcher ([rofi](
- `Meta + Shift + Return` terminal ([alacritty](
Sublime-Text, Sublime-Merge, and Chrome/ium have special needs where they never appear on the intended workspace, but instead on the last initiated / last used.
and no, nothing even delayed start or assigning window-class to a workspace works 🤦
#### `Meta + {0..9}` (numbers row)
0. -
1. browser ([firefox](
2. file explorer ([doublecmd](
3. text editor ([sublime text](
4. terminal ([alacritty](
5. -
6. -
7. -
8. -
9. -
#### `Meta + KP_{0..9}` (keypad)
0. items ([inventory](
1. image viewer ([xnview](
2. email client ([thunderbird](
3. music player ([rhythmbox](
4. password manager ([keepassxc](
5. version control ([sublime merge](
6. emoji and unicode picker ([gnome-characters](
7. vector editor ([figma](
8. pixel editor ([krita](
9. 3D editor ([blender](
### keyboard layouts
1. english (us_mac)
2. russian (ru_phonetic_mac)
#### switch
- `scroll lock`
- `[L_Shift] + [R_Shift]`