import { randomBias, randomSnap, random, createQtGrid, map } from ""; import debounce from ""; gsap.registerPlugin(Flip); const gridElement = document.querySelector(".grid"); const width = 1920; const height = 1080; const mousePos = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let isAnimating = false; // create an initial quadtree grid let lastGrid = generateGrid({ x: random(0, width), y: random(0, height) }); // set the grid column/rows for each element in the grid and create the elements lastGrid.areas.forEach((area, index) => { const el = document.createElement("div"); = `${area.col.start + 1} / ${area.col.end + 1}`; = `${area.row.start + 1} / ${area.row.end + 1}`; area.el = el; gridElement.appendChild(el); }); // drop some images onto the grid const imageUrls = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; for (let i = 0; i < imageUrls.length; i++) { const area = random(lastGrid.areas.filter((a) => !a.taken)); = `url(${imageUrls[i]})`; = "grayscale(1)"; // mark areas as "taken" so that they are not used twice area.taken = true; } // add a little instruction to one of the cells const instructionCell = random(lastGrid.areas.filter((a) => !a.taken)); instructionCell.taken = true; instructionCell.el.innerHTML = "MOVE THE POINTER!"; instructionCell.el.classList.add("instruction"); // add a splash of color to one of the cells const colorCell = random(lastGrid.areas.filter((a) => !a.taken)); colorCell.taken = true; = "yellow"; // add some random words to the grid ["GSAP", "FLIP!", "GRIDS", "GENERATIVE"].map((word, idx) => { const choice = random(lastGrid.areas.filter((a) => !a.taken)); choice.el.innerHTML = word; choice.taken = true; }); // add some shapes to all remaining areas lastGrid.areas .filter((a) => !a.taken) .forEach((area) => { if (random(0, 1) > 0.375) { switch (random(["left", "right", "bottom", "top"])) { case "top": = "var(--stroke-width) solid #000"; break; case "left": = "var(--stroke-width) solid #000"; break; case "bottom": = "var(--stroke-width) solid #000"; break; case "right": = "var(--stroke-width) solid #000"; break; } } else { if (random(0, 1) > 0.25) { area.el.classList.add("circle"); if (random(0, 1) > 0.75) { area.el.classList.add("circle--outline"); } } } }); function updateItems() { const focus = { x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y }; // save the current state const state = Flip.getState(".grid div", { props: "backgroundImage" }); // generate a new grid with the same amount of cells let grid2; while (grid2?.areas.length !== lastGrid.areas.length) { grid2 = generateGrid(focus); } // update the grid cols/rows of each cell gridElement.querySelectorAll("div").forEach((el, idx) => { const area = grid2.areas[idx]; if (!area) return; = `${area.col.start + 1} / ${area.col.end + 1}`; = `${area.row.start + 1} / ${area.row.end + 1}`; }); // FLIP! Flip.from(state, { duration: 1.25, ease: "power4.inOut", absolute: true, simple: false, stagger: 0.01, onComplete: (e) => { isAnimating = false; } }); lastGrid = grid2; } // create a quadtree grid with random points/object centered around the mouse position function generateGrid(focus) { const points = [...Array(128)].map(() => { return { x: randomBias(0, width, focus.x, 1), y: randomBias(0, height, focus.y, 1), width: 1, height: 1 }; }); return createQtGrid({ width, height, points, maxQtLevels: 4 }); } // on mouse move, create a new quadtree grid centered around the pointer position and update function onMouseMove(e) { if (isAnimating) return; const { clientX, clientY } = e; mousePos.x = map(clientX, 0, window.innerWidth, 0, width); mousePos.y = map(clientY, 0, window.innerHeight, 0, height); updateItems(); isAnimating = true; } window.addEventListener("pointermove", debounce(onMouseMove, 250)); window.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => {".tracker", { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY, opacity: 1, duration: 0.25, ease: "sine.out", transformOrigin: "50%" }); });