import * as twgl from ''; import * as dat from ''; import Stats from ''; import * as random from ''; // This is mostly for displaying warnings const isAndroid = /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); const isIos = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream; const isMobile = isAndroid || isIos; const imageData = { sunset: { src: '', ratio: 2 / 3, configPreset: { particles: isMobile ? 20e3 : 40e3, color: true, radiusValExponent: 1.5, alphaValMultiplier: 0.85, alphaValExponent: 1.2, pointSizeMultiplier: isMobile ? 20 : 10, twinkleFactor: 0 } }, woman: { src: '', ratio: 2 / 3, configPreset: { color: false, particles: 30e3, radiusValExponent: 2, alphaValExponent: 1.5, alphaValMultiplier: 0.85, pointSizeMultiplier: 10, twinkleFactor: 0 } }, zebra: { src: '', ratio: 1, configPreset: { color: false, particles: 30e3, radiusValExponent: 2, alphaValExponent: 1.5, alphaValMultiplier: 1, pointSizeMultiplier: 10, twinkleFrequency: 12, twinkleIntensity: 25, twinkleFactor: 0.7 } }, 'bucket hat': { src: '', ratio: 3 / 2, configPreset: { color: true, radiusValExponent: 0.7, alphaValExponent: 0.7, alphaValMultiplier: 1, pointSizeMultiplier: 7, twinkleFactor: 0 } }, rhino: { src: '', ratio: 422 / 222, configPreset: { particles: 50e3, radiusValExponent: 1.3, alphaValExponent: 0.1, alphaValMultiplier: 1, color: true, pointSizeMultiplier: 8, twinkleFactor: 0.8 } } }; new Vue({ el: '.canvas-container', data: () => { const image = 'rhino'; return { status: 'playing', width: undefined, height: undefined, showHelp: false, showIosWarning: false, userTexture: undefined, config: { // Init config particles: 40e3, particleBaseSpeed: isMobile ? 8 : 5, // Shader config radiusValExponent: 1.5, alphaValExponent: 1.2, alphaValMultiplier: 0.85, color: true, xInNoiseMultiplier: 200, // Not user configurable, bit buggy xOutNoiseMultiplier: isMobile ? 0.4 : 0.2, yInNoiseMultiplier: 1234, // Not user configurable, pointless yOutNoiseMultiplier: isMobile ? 0.004 : 0.002, pointSizeMultiplier: 10, twinkleFrequency: 12, twinkleIntensity: 25, twinkleFactor: 0, image, ...imageData[image].configPreset } }; }, mounted() { document.querySelector('.loading').style.display = 'none'; this.$ = 'flex'; this.setSize(); this.init().then(() => { this.frame(); }); const gui = new dat.GUI(); this.gui = gui; gui .add(this.config, 'image', Object.keys(imageData).concat('user')) .listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'particles', 5000, 100000, 1000).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'particleBaseSpeed', 0, 50).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'radiusValExponent', 0.1, 10).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'alphaValExponent', 0.1, 10).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'alphaValMultiplier', 0.1, 1).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'color').listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'xOutNoiseMultiplier', 0, 1).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'yOutNoiseMultiplier', 0, 0.1).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'pointSizeMultiplier', 1, 30).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'twinkleFrequency', 1, 50).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'twinkleIntensity', 1, 50).listen(); gui.add(this.config, 'twinkleFactor', 0, 1).listen(); this.stats = new Stats(); this.stats.showPanel(0); // 0: fps, 1: ms, 2: mb, 3+: custom document.body.appendChild(this.stats.dom); if (isIos) { this.status = 'paused'; this.showIosWarning = true; gui.close(); } }, beforeDestroy() { cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameId); if (this.gui) { this.gui.destroy(); } if (this.stats) { this.stats.dom.remove(); delete this.stats; } }, methods: { setSize() { const canvas = this.$refs.canvas; = canvas.getContext('webgl', { preserveDrawingBuffer: true }); this.dpr = window.devicePixelRatio; if (window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight * this.imageData.ratio) { this.width = window.innerWidth * this.dpr; this.height = (window.innerWidth / this.imageData.ratio) * this.dpr; } else { this.height = window.innerHeight * this.dpr; this.width = window.innerHeight * this.imageData.ratio * this.dpr; } canvas.width = this.width; canvas.height = this.height; }, init() { const { gl, config } = this; gl.enable(gl.BLEND); gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); this.programInfo = twgl.createProgramInfo(gl, ['vs', 'fs']); const particleData = { xs: [], initialOffsets: [], speeds: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < config.particles; i++) { particleData.xs.push(i / config.particles); particleData.initialOffsets.push(random.range(-1, 1)); particleData.speeds.push(random.range(0, config.particleBaseSpeed)); } this.particleData = particleData; twgl.setAttributePrefix('a_'); this.bufferInfo = twgl.createBufferInfoFromArrays(gl, { x: { numComponents: 1, data: particleData.xs }, initial_offset: { numComponents: 1, data: particleData.initialOffsets }, speed: { numComponents: 1, data: particleData.speeds } }); twgl.setBuffersAndAttributes(gl, this.programInfo, this.bufferInfo); if (this.images) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { // Use a blurred image instead of sampling an area of more than one pixel // in the fragment shader - do the work ahead of time! this.images = twgl.createTextures(gl, imageData, resolve); }); }, frame(timestamp = 0) { if (this.status !== 'recording') { this.frameId = requestAnimationFrame(this.frame); } if (this.status === 'paused') { return; } this.stats.begin(); const { gl, programInfo, bufferInfo, width, height, config } = this; gl.viewport(0, 0, width, height); gl.useProgram(programInfo.program); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); const uniforms = { u_time: timestamp, u_image_texture: config.image === 'user' ? this.userTexture.texture : this.images[config.image], u_width: width, u_height: height, u_dpr: this.dpr, u_radius_val_exponent: config.radiusValExponent, u_alpha_val_exponent: config.alphaValExponent, u_alpha_val_multiplier: config.alphaValMultiplier, u_color: config.color, u_x_in_noise_multiplier: config.xInNoiseMultiplier, u_x_out_noise_multiplier: config.xOutNoiseMultiplier, u_y_in_noise_multiplier: config.yInNoiseMultiplier, u_y_out_noise_multiplier: config.yOutNoiseMultiplier, u_point_size_multiplier: config.pointSizeMultiplier, u_twinkle_frequency: config.twinkleFrequency, u_twinkle_intensity: config.twinkleIntensity, u_twinkle_factor: config.twinkleFactor }; twgl.setUniforms(programInfo, uniforms); twgl.drawBufferInfo(gl, bufferInfo, gl.POINTS); this.stats.end(); }, handleDrop(e) { const image = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; if (!image.type.startsWith('image/')) { return; } const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { const img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = () => { const texture = twgl.createTexture(, { src: img }); this.userTexture = { texture, ratio: img.width / img.height }; this.config.image = 'user'; this.setSize(); if (img.width > 500 && img.height > 500) { setTimeout(() => { alert( 'Heads up, this works better with low resolution images: see the help for more info' ); }); } }; img.src = reader.result; }; reader.readAsDataURL(image); } }, computed: { imageData() { return this.config.image === 'user' ? this.userTexture : imageData[this.config.image]; } }, watch: { 'config.particles': 'init', 'config.particleBaseSpeed': 'init', 'config.image'(image, oldImage) { if (image === 'user' && !this.userTexture) { alert('Drag and drop an image onto this window to test your own image'); this.config.image = oldImage; return; } this.setSize(); if (this.imageData.configPreset) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(this.imageData.configPreset)) { this.config[key] = value; } } } } });