import {expect, type Page} from '@playwright/test'; import {AxeBuilder} from '@axe-core/playwright'; export async function accessibilityCheck({page}: {page: Page}, includes: string[], excludes: string[], disabledRules: string[]) { // contrast of inline links is still a global issue in Forgejo disabledRules += 'link-in-text-block'; let accessibilityScanner = await new AxeBuilder({page}) .disableRules(disabledRules); // passing the whole array seems to be not supported, // iterating has the nice side-effectof skipping this if the array is empty for (const incl of includes) { // passing the whole array seems to be not supported accessibilityScanner = accessibilityScanner.include(incl); } for (const excl of excludes) { accessibilityScanner = accessibilityScanner.exclude(excl); } // scan the page both in dark and light theme let accessibilityScanResults = await accessibilityScanner.analyze(); expect(accessibilityScanResults.violations).toEqual([]); await page.emulateMedia({colorScheme: 'dark'}); // in there have been // some weird failures related to contrast scanning, // reporting for colours that haven't been used and no trace in the // screenshots. // Since this was only happening with some browsers and not always, // my bet is on a transition effect on dark/light mode switch. // Waiting a little seems to work around this. await page.waitForTimeout(100); // eslint-disable-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout accessibilityScanResults = await accessibilityScanner.analyze(); expect(accessibilityScanResults.violations).toEqual([]); await page.emulateMedia({colorScheme: 'light'}); }