// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package setting

import (


const (
	EnvConfigKeyPrefixGitea = "^(FORGEJO|GITEA)__"
	EnvConfigKeySuffixFile  = "__FILE"

const escapeRegexpString = "_0[xX](([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])+)_"

var escapeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(escapeRegexpString)

func CollectEnvConfigKeys() (keys []string) {
	for _, env := range os.Environ() {
		if strings.HasPrefix(env, EnvConfigKeyPrefixGitea) {
			k, _, _ := strings.Cut(env, "=")
			keys = append(keys, k)
	return keys

func ClearEnvConfigKeys() {
	for _, k := range CollectEnvConfigKeys() {
		_ = os.Unsetenv(k)

// decodeEnvSectionKey will decode a portable string encoded Section__Key pair
// Portable strings are considered to be of the form [A-Z0-9_]*
// We will encode a disallowed value as the UTF8 byte string preceded by _0X and
// followed by _. E.g. _0X2C_ for a '-' and _0X2E_ for '.'
// Section and Key are separated by a plain '__'.
// The entire section can be encoded as a UTF8 byte string
func decodeEnvSectionKey(encoded string) (ok bool, section, key string) {
	inKey := false
	last := 0
	escapeStringIndices := escapeRegex.FindAllStringIndex(encoded, -1)
	for _, unescapeIdx := range escapeStringIndices {
		preceding := encoded[last:unescapeIdx[0]]
		if !inKey {
			if splitter := strings.Index(preceding, "__"); splitter > -1 {
				section += preceding[:splitter]
				inKey = true
				key += preceding[splitter+2:]
			} else {
				section += preceding
		} else {
			key += preceding
		toDecode := encoded[unescapeIdx[0]+3 : unescapeIdx[1]-1]
		decodedBytes := make([]byte, len(toDecode)/2)
		for i := 0; i < len(toDecode)/2; i++ {
			// Can ignore error here as we know these should be hexadecimal from the regexp
			byteInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(toDecode[2*i:2*i+2], 16, 0)
			decodedBytes[i] = byte(byteInt)
		if inKey {
			key += string(decodedBytes)
		} else {
			section += string(decodedBytes)
		last = unescapeIdx[1]
	remaining := encoded[last:]
	if !inKey {
		if splitter := strings.Index(remaining, "__"); splitter > -1 {
			section += remaining[:splitter]
			key += remaining[splitter+2:]
		} else {
			section += remaining
	} else {
		key += remaining
	section = strings.ToLower(section)
	ok = key != ""
	if !ok {
		section = ""
		key = ""
	return ok, section, key

// decodeEnvironmentKey decode the environment key to section and key
// The environment key is in the form of GITEA__SECTION__KEY or GITEA__SECTION__KEY__FILE
func decodeEnvironmentKey(prefixRegexp *regexp.Regexp, suffixFile, envKey string) (ok bool, section, key string, useFileValue bool) { //nolint:unparam
	if strings.HasSuffix(envKey, suffixFile) {
		useFileValue = true
		envKey = envKey[:len(envKey)-len(suffixFile)]
	loc := prefixRegexp.FindStringIndex(envKey)
	if loc == nil {
		return false, "", "", false
	ok, section, key = decodeEnvSectionKey(envKey[loc[1]:])
	return ok, section, key, useFileValue

func EnvironmentToConfig(cfg ConfigProvider, envs []string) (changed bool) {
	prefixRegexp := regexp.MustCompile(EnvConfigKeyPrefixGitea)
	for _, kv := range envs {
		idx := strings.IndexByte(kv, '=')
		if idx < 0 {

		// parse the environment variable to config section name and key name
		envKey := kv[:idx]
		envValue := kv[idx+1:]
		ok, sectionName, keyName, useFileValue := decodeEnvironmentKey(prefixRegexp, EnvConfigKeySuffixFile, envKey)
		if !ok {

		// use environment value as config value, or read the file content as value if the key indicates a file
		keyValue := envValue
		if useFileValue {
			fileContent, err := os.ReadFile(envValue)
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Error reading file for %s : %v", envKey, envValue, err)
			if bytes.HasSuffix(fileContent, []byte("\r\n")) {
				fileContent = fileContent[:len(fileContent)-2]
			} else if bytes.HasSuffix(fileContent, []byte("\n")) {
				fileContent = fileContent[:len(fileContent)-1]
			keyValue = string(fileContent)

		// try to set the config value if necessary
		section, err := cfg.GetSection(sectionName)
		if err != nil {
			section, err = cfg.NewSection(sectionName)
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Error creating section: %s : %v", sectionName, err)
		key := ConfigSectionKey(section, keyName)
		if key == nil {
			changed = true
			key, err = section.NewKey(keyName, keyValue)
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Error creating key: %s in section: %s with value: %s : %v", keyName, sectionName, keyValue, err)
		oldValue := key.Value()
		if !changed && oldValue != keyValue {
			changed = true
	return changed

// InitGiteaEnvVars initializes the environment variables for gitea
func InitGiteaEnvVars() {
	// Ideally Gitea should only accept the environment variables which it clearly knows instead of unsetting the ones it doesn't want,
	// but the ideal behavior would be a breaking change, and it seems not bringing enough benefits to end users,
	// so at the moment we could still keep "unsetting the unnecessary environments"

	// HOME is managed by Gitea, Gitea's git should use "HOME/.gitconfig".
	// But git would try "XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config" first if "HOME/.gitconfig" does not exist,
	// then our git.InitFull would still write to "XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config" if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set.
	_ = os.Unsetenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")

	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME")
	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL")
	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE")
	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME")
	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL")
	_ = os.Unsetenv("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE")