These contribution guidelines were adapted from / inspired by those of Gitea ( Thanks Gitea!
This document contains important information that will help you to write a successful contribution to GoToSocial. Please read it carefully before opening a pull request!
Before opening a new issue, whether bug or feature request, **please search carefully through both open and closed issues to make sure it hasn't been addressed already**. You can use Github's keyword issue search for this. If your issue is a duplicate of an existing issue, it will be closed.
- Does this feature fit within the scope of GoToSocial? Since we are a small team, we are wary of [feature creep]( "Wikipedia article on Feature Creep"), which can cause maintenance issues.
- Will this feature be generally useful for many users of the software, or is it handy for only a very specific use case?
- Will this feature have a negative impact on the performance of the software? If so, is the tradeoff worth it?
- Does this feature require loosening API security restrictions in some way? If so, it will need a good justification.
- Does this feature belong in GoToSocial's server backend, or is it something that a client could implement instead?
- The pull request addresses an existing issue or bug (please link to the relevant issue in your pull request), or is related to documentation.
- If your pull request introduces significant new code paths, you are willing to do some maintenance work on those code paths, and address bugs. We do not appreciate drive-by pull requests that introduce a significant maintenance burden!
- The pull request is of decent quality. We are a small team and unfortunately we don't have a lot of time to help shepherd pull requests, or help with basic coding questions. If you're unsure, don't bite off more than you can chew: start with a small feature or bugfix for your first PR, and work your way up.
If you have small questions or comments before/during the pull request process, you can [join our Matrix space]( "GoToSocial Matrix space") at ``.
1. Open an issue for the feature, bug, or issue your pull request will address, or comment on an existing issue to let everyone know you want to work on it.
2. Use the open issue to discuss your design with us, gather feedback, and resolve any concerns about the implementation.
3. Write your code! Make sure all existing tests pass. Add tests where appropriate. Run linters and formatters. Update documentation.
4. Open your pull request. You can do this as a draft, if you want to gather more feedback on code-in-progress.
5. Let us know that your pull request is ready to be reviewed.
6. Wait for review.
7. Address review comments, make changes to the code where appropriate. It's OK to push back on review comments if you have a sensible reason--we're all learning, after all--but please do so with patience and grace.
To make your code easier to review, try to split your pull request into sensibly-sized commits, but don't worry too much about making it totally perfect: we always squash merge anyways.
Make sure your pull request only contains code that's relevant to the feature you're trying to implement, or the bug you're trying to address. Don't include refactors of unrelated parts of the code in your pull request: make a separate PR for that!
The process for documentation pull requests is a bit looser than the process for code.
If you see something in the documentation that's missing, wrong, or unclear, feel free to open a pull request addressing it; you don't necessarily need to open an issue first, but please explain why you're opening the PR in the PR comment.
We support a [Conda]( workflow for hacking, building & publishing the documentation. Here's how you can get started locally:
When adding a new page, you need to include it in the [`mkdocs.yml`](mkdocs.yml) so it shows in the sidebar in the right section.
If you don't use Conda, you can read the `docs/environment.yml` to see which dependencies are required and `pip install` them manually. It's advisable to do this in a virtual environment, which you can create with something like `python3 -m venv /path-to/store-the-venv`. You can then call `/path-to/store-the-venv/bin/pip`, `/path-to/store-the-venv/bin/mkdocs` etc.
Beware that `conda env export` will add a `prefix` entry to the environment.yml file, and drop the `pip` dependencies, so make sure to remove the prefix and add the `pip` dependencies back in.
One of the quirks of Golang is that it relies on the source management path being the same as the one used within `go.mod` and in package imports within individual Go files. This makes working with forks a bit awkward.
Let's say you fork GoToSocial to ``, and then clone that repository to `~/go/src/`. You will probably run into errors trying to run tests or build, so you might change your `go.mod` file so that the module is called `` instead of ``. But then this breaks all the imports within the project. Nightmare! So now you have to go through the source files and painstakingly replace `` with ``. This works OK, but when you decide to make a pull request against the original repo, all the changed paths are included! Argh!
The correct solution to this is to fork, then clone the upstream repository, then set `origin` of the upstream repository to that of your fork.
> Fork the repository on GitHub or set up whatever other remote git repo you will be using. In this case, I would go to GitHub and fork the repository.
To get started, you first need to have Go installed. Check the top of the `go.mod` file to see which version of Go you need to install, and see [here]( for installation instructions.
If all goes according to plan, you should now have a number of multiple-architecture binaries and tars inside the `./dist` folder, and snapshot Docker images should be built (check your terminal output for version).
If you get an error while doing the build that looks like `"/web/assets/swagger.yaml": not found`, then you need to (re)generate the Swagger docs once, see [Updating Swagger docs](#updating-swagger-docs) for the command.
If you want to build a docker image for a different CPU architecture without setting up buildx (for example for ARMv7 aka 32-bit ARM), first modify the Dockerfile by adding the following lines to the top (but don't commit this!):
# When using buildx, these variables will be set by the tool:
And: [exhaustive list of possible values for docker's `--platform`](
### Stylesheet / Web dev
GoToSocial uses Gin templates in the `web/template` folder. Static assets are stored in `web/assets`. Source files for stylesheets and JS bundles (for frontend enhancement, and the settings interface) are stored in `web/source`, and bundled from there to the `web/assets/dist` folder (gitignored).
The `ts-patch` step is necessary because of Typia, which we use for some type validation: see [Typia install docs](
You can then log in to the GoToSocial settings panel at `http://localhost:8080/settings` and see your changes reflected in real time as the dev bundler reloads.
The livereloading bundler *will not* change the bundled assets in `dist/`, so once you are finished with changes and want to deploy it somewhere, you have to run `node web/source` to generate production-ready bundles.
For project structure, GoToSocial follows a standard and widely accepted project layout [defined here]( As the author writes:
> This is a basic layout for Go application projects. It's not an official standard defined by the core Go dev team; however, it is a set of common historical and emerging project layout patterns in the Go ecosystem.
Where possible, we prefer more files and packages of shorter length that very clearly pertain to definable chunks of application logic, rather than fewer but longer files: if one `.go` file is pushing 1,000 lines of code, it's probably too long.
Most of the crucial business logic of the application is found inside the various packages and subpackages of the `internal` directory. Here's a brief summary of each of these:
`internal/ap` - ActivityPub utility functions and interfaces.
`internal/api` - Models, routers, and utilities for the client and federated (ActivityPub) APIs. This is where routes are attached to the router, and where you want to be if you're adding a route.
`internal/netutil` - HTTP / net request validation code.
`internal/oauth` - Wrapper code/interfaces for OAuth server implementation.
`internal/oidc` - Wrapper code/interfaces for OIDC claims and callbacks.
`internal/processing` - Logic for processing messages produced by the federation or client APIs. Much of the core business logic of GoToSocial is contained here.
`internal/regexes` - Regular expressions used for text parsing and matching of URLs, hashtags, mentions, etc.
`internal/router` - Wrapper for Gin HTTP router. Core HTTP logic is contained here. The router exposes functions for attaching routes, which are used by the code in `internal/api` handlers.
`internal/storage` - Wrapper for `` implementations. Local file storage and s3 logic goes here.
`internal/stream` - Websockets streaming logic.
`internal/text` - Text parsing and transformation. Status parsing logic is contained here -- both plain and markdown.
`internal/timeline` - Status timeline management code.
`internal/trans` - Code for exporting models to json backup files from the database, and importing backup json files into the database.
`internal/transport` - HTTP transport code and utilities.
`internal/typeutils` - Code for converting from internal database models to json, and back, or from ActivityPub format to internal database model format and vice versa. Basically, serdes.
`internal/uris` - Utilities for generating URIs used throughout GoToSocial.
`internal/util` - Odds and ends; small utility functions used by more than one package.
`internal/validate` - Model validation code -- currently not really used.
`internal/visibility` - Status visibility checking and filtering.
`internal/web` - Web UI handlers, specifically for serving web pages, the landing page, settings panels.
It is a good idea to read the short official [Effective Go]( page before submitting code: this document is the foundation of many a style guide, for good reason, and GoToSocial more or less follows its advice.
Before you submit any code, make sure to run `go fmt ./...` to update whitespace and other opinionated formatting.
We use [golangci-lint]( for linting, which allows us to catch style inconsistencies and potential bugs or security issues, using static code analysis.
If you make a PR that doesn't pass the linter, it will be rejected. As such, it's good practice to run the linter locally before pushing or opening a PR.
GoToSocial provides a [testrig]( with a number of mock packages you can use in integration tests.
One thing that *isn't* mocked is the Database interface because it's just easier to use an in-memory SQLite database than to mock everything out.
You can launch a testrig as a standalone server running at localhost, which you can connect to using something like [Pinafore](
To run Pinafore locally in dev mode, first clone the [Pinafore]( repository, and then run the following commands in the cloned directory:
To connect to the testrig, navigate to `http://localhost:4002` and enter your instance name as `localhost:8080`.
At the login screen, enter the email address `` and password `password`. You will get a confirmation prompt. Accept, and you are logged in as Zork.
Note the following constraints:
- Since the testrig uses an in-memory database, the database will be destroyed when the testrig is stopped.
- If you stop the testrig and start it again, any tokens or applications you created during your tests will also be removed. As such, you need to log out and in again every time you stop/start the rig.
- The testrig does not make any actual external HTTP calls, so federation will not work from a testrig.
#### Running automated tests
Tests can be run against both SQLite and Postgres.
##### SQLite
If you would like to run tests as quickly as possible, using an SQLite in-memory database, use:
go test ./...
##### Postgres
If you want to run tests against a Postgres database on localhost, run:
GTS_DB_TYPE="postgres" GTS_DB_ADDRESS="localhost" go test -p 1 ./...
In the above command, it is assumed you are using the default Postgres password of `postgres`.
We set `-p 1` when running against Postgres because it requires tests to run in serial, not in parallel.
#### CLI Tests
In [./test/](./test/ there's a test for making sure that CLI flags, config, and environment variables get parsed as expected.
Although this test *is* part of the CI/CD testing process, you probably won't need to worry too much about running it yourself. That is, unless you're messing about with code inside the `main` package in `cmd/gotosocial`, or inside the `config` package in `internal/config`.
By using the support for loading TLS files from disk it is possible to have two or more local instances with TLS to allow for (manually) testing federation.
-`SSL_CERT_FILE`: pointing to the public key of your custom CA.
-`SSL_CERT_DIR`: a `:`-separated list of directories to load CA certificates from.
The above `SSL_CERT` variables work on Unix-like systems only, excluding Mac. See If you are running your tests on an architecture that doesn't support setting the above variables, you can instead disable TLS certificate verification for the HTTP client entirely by setting `http-client.tls-insecure-skip-verify` to `true` in the config.yaml file.
You'll additionally need functioning DNS for your two instance names, which you can achieve through entries in `/etc/hosts` or by running a local DNS server like [dnsmasq](
If you change Swagger annotations on any of the API paths, you can generate a new Swagger file at `./docs/api/swagger.yaml`, and copy that file to web assets, by running:
It is worth noting that the `drone.yml` file must be signed by the Drone admin account to be considered valid. This must be done every time the file is changed. This is to prevent tampering and hijacking of the Drone instance. See [here](