Languagestring`bun:",nullzero"`// Status language at time of edit.
Sensitive*bool`bun:",nullzero,notnull,default:false"`// Status sensitive flag at time of edit.
AttachmentIDs[]string`bun:"attachments,array"`// Database IDs of media attachments associated with status at time of edit.
AttachmentDescriptions[]string`bun:",array"`// Previous media descriptions of media attachments associated with status at time of edit.
Attachments[]*MediaAttachment`bun:"-"`// Media attachments relating to .AttachmentIDs field (not always populated).
PollOptions[]string`bun:",array"`// Poll options of status at time of edit, only set if status contains a poll.
PollVotes[]int`bun:",array"`// Poll vote count at time of status edit, only set if poll votes were reset.
StatusIDstring`bun:"type:CHAR(26),nullzero,notnull"`// The originating status ID this is a historical edit of.
CreatedAttime.Time`bun:"type:timestamptz,nullzero,notnull,default:current_timestamp"`// The creation time of this version of the status content (according to receiving server).
// We don't bother having a *gtsmodel.Status model here
// as the StatusEdit is always just attached to a Status,
// so it doesn't need a self-reference back to it.
// AttachmentsPopulated returns whether media attachments
// are populated according to current AttachmentIDs.