# GoToSocial # Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ########################### ##### GENERAL CONFIG ###### ########################### # String. Log level to use throughout the application. Must be lower-case. # Options: ["trace","debug","info","warn","error","fatal"] # Default: "info" logLevel: "info" # String. Application name to use internally. # Examples: ["My Application","gotosocial"] # Default: "gotosocial" applicationName: "gotosocial" # String. Hostname that this server will be reachable at. Defaults to localhost for local testing, # but you should *definitely* change this when running for real, or your server won't work at all. # DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things! # Examples: ["gts.example.org","some.server.com"] # Default: "localhost" host: "localhost" # String. Domain to use when federating profiles. This is useful when you want your server to be at # eg., "gts.example.org", but you want the domain on accounts to be "example.org" because it looks better # or is just shorter/easier to remember. # To make this setting work properly, you need to redirect requests at "example.org/.well-known/webfinger" # to "gts.example.org/.well-known/webfinger" so that GtS can handle them properly. # You should also redirect requests at "example.org/.well-known/nodeinfo" in the same way. # An empty string (ie., not set) means that the same value as 'host' will be used. # DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things! # Examples: ["example.org","server.com"] # Default: "" accountDomain: "" # String. Protocol to use for the server. Only change to http for local testing! # Options: ["http","https"] # Default: "https" protocol: "https" ############################ ##### DATABASE CONFIG ###### ############################ # Config pertaining to the Gotosocial database connection db: # String. Database type. # Options: ["postgres"] # Default: "postgres" type: "postgres" # String. Database address. Can be either an ipv4 address or a hostname. # Examples: ["localhost","my.db.host","",""] # Default: "localhost" address: "" # Int. Port for database connection. # Examples: [5432, 1234, 6969] # Default: 5432 port: 5432 # String. Username for the database connection. # Examples: ["mydbuser","postgres","gotosocial"] # Default: "postgres" user: "postgres" # REQUIRED # String. Password to use for the database connection # Examples: ["password123","verysafepassword","postgres"] # Default: "postgres" password: "postgres" # String. Name of the database to use within the provided database type. # Examples: ["mydb","postgres","gotosocial"] # Default: "postgres" database: "postgres" # String. Disable, enable, or require SSL/TLS connection to the database. # If "disable" then no TLS connection will be attempted. # If "enable" then TLS will be tried, but the database certificate won't be checked (for self-signed certs). # If "require" then TLS will be required to make a connection, and a valid certificate must be presented. # Options: ["disable", "enable", "require"] # Default: "disable" tlsMode: "disable" # String. Path to a CA certificate on the host machine for db certificate validation. # If this is left empty, just the host certificates will be used. # If filled in, the certificate will be loaded and added to host certificates. # Examples: ["/path/to/some/cert.crt"] # Default: "" tlsCACert: "" ############################### ##### WEB TEMPLATE CONFIG ##### ############################### # Config pertaining to templating of web pages/email notifications and the like template: # String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to load html templates (.tmpl files). # Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"] # Default: "./web/template/" baseDir: "./web/template/" # String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to serve static web assets (images, scripts). # Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"] # Default: "./web/assets/" assetBaseDir: "./web/assets/" ########################### ##### ACCOUNTS CONFIG ##### ########################### # Config pertaining to creation and maintenance of accounts on the server, as well as defaults for new accounts. accounts: # Bool. Do we want people to be able to just submit sign up requests, or do we want invite only? # Options: [true, false] # Default: true openRegistration: true # Bool. Do sign up requests require approval from an admin/moderator before an account can sign in/use the server? # Options: [true, false] # Default: true requireApproval: true # Bool. Are sign up requests required to submit a reason for the request (eg., an explanation of why they want to join the instance)? # Options: [true, false] # Default: true reasonRequired: true ######################## ##### MEDIA CONFIG ##### ######################## # Config pertaining to user media uploads (videos, image, image descriptions). media: # Int. Maximum allowed image upload size in bytes. # Examples: [2097152, 10485760] # Default: 2097152 -- aka 2MB maxImageSize: 2097152 # Int. Maximum allowed video upload size in bytes. # Examples: [2097152, 10485760] # Default: 10485760 -- aka 10MB maxVideoSize: 10485760 # Int. Minimum amount of characters required as an image or video description. # Examples: [500, 1000, 1500] # Default: 0 (not required) minDescriptionChars: 0 # Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted in an image or video description. # Examples: [500, 1000, 1500] # Default: 500 maxDescriptionChars: 500 ########################## ##### STORAGE CONFIG ##### ########################## # Config pertaining to storage of user-created uploads (videos, images, etc). storage: # String. Type of storage backend to use. # Examples: ["local", "s3"] # Default: "local" (storage on local disk) # NOTE: s3 storage is not yet supported! backend: "local" # String. Directory to use as a base path for storing files. # Make sure whatever user/group gotosocial is running as has permission to access # this directly, and create new subdirectories and files with in. # Examples: ["/home/gotosocial/storage", "/opt/gotosocial/datastorage"] # Default: "/gotosocial/storage" basePath: "/gotosocial/storage" # String. Protocol to use for serving stored files. # It's very unlikely that you'll need to change this ever, but there might be edge cases. # Examples: ["http", "https"] serveProtocol: "https" # String. Host for serving stored files. # If you're using local storage, this should be THE SAME as the value you've set for Host, above. # It should only be a different value if you're serving stored files from a host # other than the one your instance is running on. # Examples: ["localhost", "example.org"] # Default: "localhost" -- you should absolutely change this. serveHost: "localhost" # String. Base path for serving stored files. This will be added to serveHost and serveProtocol # to form the prefix url of your stored files. Eg., https://example.org/fileserver/..... # It's unlikely that you will need to change this. # Examples: ["/fileserver", "/media"] # Default: "/fileserver" serveBasePath: "/fileserver" ########################### ##### STATUSES CONFIG ##### ########################### # Config pertaining to the creation of statuses/posts, and permitted limits. statuses: # Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted for a new status. # Note that going way higher than the default might break federation. # Examples: [140, 500, 5000] # Default: 5000 maxChars: 5000 # Int. Maximum amount of characters allowed in the CW/subject header of a status. # Note that going way higher than the default might break federation. # Examples: [100, 200] # Default: 100 cwMaxChars: 100 # Int. Maximum amount of options to permit when creating a new poll. # Note that going way higher than the default might break federation. # Examples: [4, 6, 10] # Default: 6 pollMaxOptions: 6 # Int. Maximum amount of characters to permit per poll option when creating a new poll. # Note that going way higher than the default might break federation. # Examples: [50, 100, 150] # Default: 50 pollOptionMaxChars: 50 # Int. Maximum amount of media files that can be attached to a new status. # Note that going way higher than the default might break federation. # Examples: [4, 6, 10] # Default: 6 maxMediaFiles: 6 ############################## ##### LETSENCRYPT CONFIG ##### ############################## # Config pertaining to the automatic acquisition and use of LetsEncrypt HTTPS certificates. letsEncrypt: # Bool. Whether or not letsencrypt should be enabled for the server. # If true, the server will serve on port 443 (https) and obtain letsencrypt # certificates automatically. # If false, the server will serve on port 8080 (http), and the rest of the settings # here will be ignored. # You should only change this if you want to serve GoToSocial behind a reverse proxy # like Traefik, HAProxy, or Nginx. # Options: [true, false] # Default: true enabled: true # String. Directory in which to store LetsEncrypt certificates. # It is a good move to make this a sub-path within your storage directory, as it makes # backup easier, but you might wish to move them elsewhere if they're also accessed by other services. # In any case, make sure GoToSocial has permissions to write to / read from this directory. # Examples: ["/home/gotosocial/storage/certs", "/acmecerts"] # Default: "/gotosocial/storage/certs" certDir: "/gotosocial/storage/certs" # String. Email address to use when registering LetsEncrypt certs. # Most likely, this will be the email address of the instance administrator. # LetsEncrypt will send notifications about expiring certificates etc to this address. # Examples: ["admin@example.org"] # Default: "" emailAddress: ""