// Copyright 2024 The Sqlite Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build !linux package sqlite // import "modernc.org/sqlite" import ( "unsafe" "modernc.org/libc" sqlite3 "modernc.org/sqlite/lib" ) // C documentation // // int sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const void*, int n, void(*)(void*)); func (c *conn) bindBlob(pstmt uintptr, idx1 int, value []byte) (uintptr, error) { if value != nil && len(value) == 0 { if rc := sqlite3.Xsqlite3_bind_zeroblob(c.tls, pstmt, int32(idx1), 0); rc != sqlite3.SQLITE_OK { return 0, c.errstr(rc) } return 0, nil } p, err := c.malloc(len(value)) if err != nil { return 0, err } if len(value) != 0 { copy((*libc.RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[:len(value):len(value)], value) } if rc := sqlite3.Xsqlite3_bind_blob(c.tls, pstmt, int32(idx1), p, int32(len(value)), 0); rc != sqlite3.SQLITE_OK { c.free(p) return 0, c.errstr(rc) } return p, nil }