package syslogparser

import (

const (
	PRI_PART_END   = '>'


var (
	ErrEOL     = &ParserError{"End of log line"}
	ErrNoSpace = &ParserError{"No space found"}

	ErrPriorityNoStart  = &ParserError{"No start char found for priority"}
	ErrPriorityEmpty    = &ParserError{"Priority field empty"}
	ErrPriorityNoEnd    = &ParserError{"No end char found for priority"}
	ErrPriorityTooShort = &ParserError{"Priority field too short"}
	ErrPriorityTooLong  = &ParserError{"Priority field too long"}
	ErrPriorityNonDigit = &ParserError{"Non digit found in priority"}

	ErrVersionNotFound = &ParserError{"Can not find version"}

	ErrTimestampUnknownFormat = &ParserError{"Timestamp format unknown"}

	ErrHostnameTooShort = &ParserError{"Hostname field too short"}

type LogParser interface {
	Parse() error
	Dump() LogParts

type ParserError struct {
	ErrorString string

type Priority struct {
	P int
	F Facility
	S Severity

type Facility struct {
	Value int

type Severity struct {
	Value int

type LogParts map[string]interface{}

func ParsePriority(buff []byte, cursor *int, l int) (Priority, error) {
	pri := newPriority(0)

	if l <= 0 {
		return pri, ErrPriorityEmpty

	if buff[*cursor] != PRI_PART_START {
		return pri, ErrPriorityNoStart

	i := 1
	priDigit := 0

	for i < l {
		if i >= 5 {
			return pri, ErrPriorityTooLong

		c := buff[i]

		if c == PRI_PART_END {
			if i == 1 {
				return pri, ErrPriorityTooShort

			*cursor = i + 1
			return newPriority(priDigit), nil

		if IsDigit(c) {
			v, e := strconv.Atoi(string(c))
			if e != nil {
				return pri, e

			priDigit = (priDigit * 10) + v
		} else {
			return pri, ErrPriorityNonDigit


	return pri, ErrPriorityNoEnd

func ParseVersion(buff []byte, cursor *int, l int) (int, error) {
	if *cursor >= l {
		return NO_VERSION, ErrVersionNotFound

	c := buff[*cursor]

	// XXX : not a version, not an error though as RFC 3164 does not support it
	if !IsDigit(c) {
		return NO_VERSION, nil

	v, e := strconv.Atoi(string(c))
	if e != nil {
		return NO_VERSION, e

	return v, nil

func IsDigit(c byte) bool {
	return c >= '0' && c <= '9'

func newPriority(p int) Priority {
	// The Priority value is calculated by first multiplying the Facility
	// number by 8 and then adding the numerical value of the Severity.

	return Priority{
		P: p,
		F: Facility{Value: p / 8},
		S: Severity{Value: p % 8},

func FindNextSpace(buff []byte, from int, l int) (int, error) {
	var to int

	for to = from; to < l; to++ {
		if buff[to] == ' ' {
			return to, nil

	return 0, ErrNoSpace

func Parse2Digits(buff []byte, cursor *int, l int, min int, max int, e error) (int, error) {
	digitLen := 2

	if *cursor+digitLen > l {
		return 0, ErrEOL

	sub := string(buff[*cursor : *cursor+digitLen])

	*cursor += digitLen

	i, err := strconv.Atoi(sub)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, e

	if i >= min && i <= max {
		return i, nil

	return 0, e

func ParseHostname(buff []byte, cursor *int, l int) (string, error) {
	from := *cursor

	if from >= l {
		return "", ErrHostnameTooShort

	var to int

	for to = from; to < l; to++ {
		if buff[to] == ' ' {

	hostname := buff[from:to]

	*cursor = to

	return string(hostname), nil

func ShowCursorPos(buff []byte, cursor int) {
	padding := strings.Repeat("-", cursor)
	fmt.Println(padding + "↑\n")

func (err *ParserError) Error() string {
	return err.ErrorString