// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see
poopoo peepee :_rainbow_:
", apiStatus.Content) suite.NotEmpty(apiStatus.Emojis) } func (suite *StatusCreateTestSuite) TestProcessStatusMarkdownWithSpoilerTextEmoji() { ctx := context.Background() creatingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] creatingApplication := suite.testApplications["application_1"] statusCreateForm := &apimodel.StatusCreateRequest{ Status: "poopoo peepee", SpoilerText: "testing something :rainbow:", MediaIDs: []string{}, Poll: nil, InReplyToID: "", Sensitive: false, Visibility: apimodel.VisibilityPublic, LocalOnly: util.Ptr(false), ScheduledAt: nil, Language: "en", ContentType: apimodel.StatusContentTypeMarkdown, } apiStatus, err := suite.status.Create(ctx, creatingAccount, creatingApplication, statusCreateForm) suite.NoError(err) suite.NotNil(apiStatus) suite.Equal("poopoo peepee
", apiStatus.Content) suite.Equal("testing something :rainbow:", apiStatus.SpoilerText) suite.NotEmpty(apiStatus.Emojis) } func (suite *StatusCreateTestSuite) TestProcessMediaDescriptionTooShort() { ctx := context.Background() config.SetMediaDescriptionMinChars(100) creatingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] creatingApplication := suite.testApplications["application_1"] statusCreateForm := &apimodel.StatusCreateRequest{ Status: "poopoo peepee", MediaIDs: []string{suite.testAttachments["local_account_1_unattached_1"].ID}, Poll: nil, InReplyToID: "", Sensitive: false, SpoilerText: "", Visibility: apimodel.VisibilityPublic, LocalOnly: util.Ptr(false), ScheduledAt: nil, Language: "en", ContentType: apimodel.StatusContentTypePlain, } apiStatus, err := suite.status.Create(ctx, creatingAccount, creatingApplication, statusCreateForm) suite.EqualError(err, "media description less than min chars (100)") suite.Nil(apiStatus) } func (suite *StatusCreateTestSuite) TestProcessLanguageWithScriptPart() { ctx := context.Background() creatingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] creatingApplication := suite.testApplications["application_1"] statusCreateForm := &apimodel.StatusCreateRequest{ Status: "你好世界", // hello world MediaIDs: []string{}, Poll: nil, InReplyToID: "", Sensitive: false, SpoilerText: "", Visibility: apimodel.VisibilityPublic, LocalOnly: util.Ptr(false), ScheduledAt: nil, Language: "zh-Hans", ContentType: apimodel.StatusContentTypePlain, } apiStatus, err := suite.status.Create(ctx, creatingAccount, creatingApplication, statusCreateForm) suite.NoError(err) suite.NotNil(apiStatus) suite.Equal("zh-Hans", *apiStatus.Language) } func (suite *StatusCreateTestSuite) TestProcessReplyToUnthreadedRemoteStatus() { ctx := context.Background() creatingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] creatingApplication := suite.testApplications["application_1"] inReplyTo := suite.testStatuses["remote_account_1_status_1"] // Reply to a remote status that // doesn't have a threadID set on it. statusCreateForm := &apimodel.StatusCreateRequest{ Status: "boobies", MediaIDs: []string{}, Poll: nil, InReplyToID: inReplyTo.ID, Sensitive: false, SpoilerText: "this is a reply", Visibility: apimodel.VisibilityPublic, LocalOnly: util.Ptr(false), ScheduledAt: nil, Language: "en", ContentType: apimodel.StatusContentTypePlain, } apiStatus, err := suite.status.Create(ctx, creatingAccount, creatingApplication, statusCreateForm) suite.NoError(err) suite.NotNil(apiStatus) // ThreadID should be set on the status, // even though the replied-to status does // not have a threadID. dbStatus, dbErr := suite.state.DB.GetStatusByID(ctx, apiStatus.ID) if dbErr != nil { suite.FailNow(err.Error()) } suite.NotEmpty(dbStatus.ThreadID) } func (suite *StatusCreateTestSuite) TestProcessNoContentTypeUsesDefault() { ctx := context.Background() creatingAccount := suite.testAccounts["local_account_1"] creatingApplication := suite.testApplications["application_1"] statusCreateForm := &apimodel.StatusCreateRequest{ Status: "poopoo peepee", SpoilerText: "", MediaIDs: []string{}, Poll: nil, InReplyToID: "", Sensitive: false, Visibility: apimodel.VisibilityPublic, LocalOnly: util.Ptr(false), ScheduledAt: nil, Language: "en", ContentType: "", } apiStatus, errWithCode := suite.status.Create(ctx, creatingAccount, creatingApplication, statusCreateForm) suite.NoError(errWithCode) suite.NotNil(apiStatus) suite.Equal("poopoo peepee
", apiStatus.Content) // the test accounts don't have settings, so we're comparing to // the global default value instead of the requester's default suite.Equal(apimodel.StatusContentTypeDefault, apiStatus.ContentType) } func TestStatusCreateTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(StatusCreateTestSuite)) }