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376 lines
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Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package status
import (
type advancedStatusCreateForm struct {
AdvancedVisibility *advancedVisibilityFlagsForm `form:"visibility_advanced"`
type advancedVisibilityFlagsForm struct {
// The gotosocial visibility model
Visibility *model.Visibility
// This status will be federated beyond the local timeline(s)
Federated *bool `form:"federated"`
// This status can be boosted/reblogged
Boostable *bool `form:"boostable"`
// This status can be replied to
Replyable *bool `form:"replyable"`
// This status can be liked/faved
Likeable *bool `form:"likeable"`
func (m *statusModule) statusCreatePOSTHandler(c *gin.Context) {
l := m.log.WithField("func", "statusCreatePOSTHandler")
authed, err := oauth.MustAuth(c, true, true, true, true) // posting a status is serious business so we want *everything*
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("couldn't auth: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// First check this user/account is permitted to post new statuses.
// There's no point continuing otherwise.
if authed.User.Disabled || !authed.User.Approved || !authed.Account.SuspendedAt.IsZero() {
l.Debugf("couldn't auth: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, gin.H{"error": "account is disabled, not yet approved, or suspended"})
// extract the status create form from the request context
l.Trace("parsing request form")
form := &advancedStatusCreateForm{}
if err := c.ShouldBind(form); err != nil || form == nil {
l.Debugf("could not parse form from request: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "missing one or more required form values"})
// Give the fields on the request form a first pass to make sure the request is superficially valid.
l.Tracef("validating form %+v", form)
if err := validateCreateStatus(form, m.config.StatusesConfig); err != nil {
l.Debugf("error validating form: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// At this point we know the account is permitted to post, and we know the request form
// is valid (at least according to the API specifications and the instance configuration).
// So now we can start digging a bit deeper into the form and building up the new status from it.
// first we create a new status and add some basic info to it
uris := util.GenerateURIs(authed.Account.Username, m.config.Protocol, m.config.Host)
thisStatusID := uuid.NewString()
thisStatusURI := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", uris.StatusesURI, thisStatusID)
thisStatusURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", uris.StatusesURL, thisStatusID)
newStatus := &model.Status{
ID: thisStatusID,
URI: thisStatusURI,
URL: thisStatusURL,
Content: util.HTMLFormat(form.Status),
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
Local: true,
AccountID: authed.Account.ID,
ContentWarning: form.SpoilerText,
ActivityStreamsType: model.ActivityStreamsNote,
Sensitive: form.Sensitive,
Language: form.Language,
// check if replyToID is ok
if err := m.parseReplyToID(form, authed.Account.ID, newStatus); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// check if mediaIDs are ok
if err := m.parseMediaIDs(form, authed.Account.ID, newStatus); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// check if visibility settings are ok
if err := parseVisibility(form, authed.Account.Privacy, newStatus); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// convert mentions to *model.Mention
menchies, err := m.db.MentionStringsToMentions(util.DeriveMentions(form.Status), authed.Account.ID, thisStatusID)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("error generating mentions from status: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "error generating mentions from status"})
newStatus.Mentions = menchies
// convert tags to *model.Tag
tags, err := m.db.TagStringsToTags(util.DeriveHashtags(form.Status), authed.Account.ID, thisStatusID)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("error generating hashtags from status: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "error generating hashtags from status"})
newStatus.Tags = tags
// convert emojis to *model.Emoji
emojis, err := m.db.EmojiStringsToEmojis(util.DeriveEmojis(form.Status), authed.Account.ID, thisStatusID)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("error generating emojis from status: %s", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "error generating emojis from status"})
newStatus.Emojis = emojis
// put the new status in the database
if err := m.db.Put(newStatus); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
// pass to the distributor to take care of side effects -- federation, mentions, updating metadata, etc, etc
m.distributor.FromClientAPI() <- distributor.FromClientAPI{
APObjectType: model.ActivityStreamsNote,
APActivityType: model.ActivityStreamsCreate,
Activity: newStatus,
// return populated status to submitter
mastoAccount, err := m.db.AccountToMastoPublic(authed.Account)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
mastoStatus := &mastotypes.Status{
ID: newStatus.ID,
CreatedAt: newStatus.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339),
InReplyToID: newStatus.InReplyToID,
// InReplyToAccountID: newStatus.ReplyToAccount.ID,
Sensitive: newStatus.Sensitive,
SpoilerText: newStatus.ContentWarning,
Visibility: util.ParseMastoVisFromGTSVis(newStatus.Visibility),
Language: newStatus.Language,
URI: newStatus.URI,
URL: newStatus.URL,
Content: newStatus.Content,
Application: authed.Application.ToMasto(),
Account: mastoAccount,
Text: form.Status,
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, mastoStatus)
func validateCreateStatus(form *advancedStatusCreateForm, config *config.StatusesConfig) error {
// validate that, structurally, we have a valid status/post
if form.Status == "" && form.MediaIDs == nil && form.Poll == nil {
return errors.New("no status, media, or poll provided")
if form.MediaIDs != nil && form.Poll != nil {
return errors.New("can't post media + poll in same status")
// validate status
if form.Status != "" {
if len(form.Status) > config.MaxChars {
return fmt.Errorf("status too long, %d characters provided but limit is %d", len(form.Status), config.MaxChars)
// validate media attachments
if len(form.MediaIDs) > config.MaxMediaFiles {
return fmt.Errorf("too many media files attached to status, %d attached but limit is %d", len(form.MediaIDs), config.MaxMediaFiles)
// validate poll
if form.Poll != nil {
if form.Poll.Options == nil {
return errors.New("poll with no options")
if len(form.Poll.Options) > config.PollMaxOptions {
return fmt.Errorf("too many poll options provided, %d provided but limit is %d", len(form.Poll.Options), config.PollMaxOptions)
for _, p := range form.Poll.Options {
if len(p) > config.PollOptionMaxChars {
return fmt.Errorf("poll option too long, %d characters provided but limit is %d", len(p), config.PollOptionMaxChars)
// validate spoiler text/cw
if form.SpoilerText != "" {
if len(form.SpoilerText) > config.CWMaxChars {
return fmt.Errorf("content-warning/spoilertext too long, %d characters provided but limit is %d", len(form.SpoilerText), config.CWMaxChars)
// validate post language
if form.Language != "" {
if err := util.ValidateLanguage(form.Language); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func parseVisibility(form *advancedStatusCreateForm, accountDefaultVis model.Visibility, status *model.Status) error {
// by default all flags are set to true
gtsAdvancedVis := &model.VisibilityAdvanced{
Federated: true,
Boostable: true,
Replyable: true,
Likeable: true,
var gtsBasicVis model.Visibility
// Advanced takes priority if it's set.
// If it's not set, take whatever masto visibility is set.
// If *that's* not set either, then just take the account default.
if form.AdvancedVisibility != nil && form.AdvancedVisibility.Visibility != nil {
gtsBasicVis = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Visibility
} else if form.Visibility != "" {
gtsBasicVis = util.ParseGTSVisFromMastoVis(form.Visibility)
} else {
gtsBasicVis = accountDefaultVis
switch gtsBasicVis {
case model.VisibilityPublic:
// for public, there's no need to change any of the advanced flags from true regardless of what the user filled out
case model.VisibilityUnlocked:
// for unlocked the user can set any combination of flags they like so look at them all to see if they're set and then apply them
if form.AdvancedVisibility != nil {
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Federated != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Federated = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Federated
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Boostable != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Boostable = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Boostable
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Replyable != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Replyable = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Replyable
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Likeable != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Likeable = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Likeable
case model.VisibilityFollowersOnly, model.VisibilityMutualsOnly:
// for followers or mutuals only, boostable will *always* be false, but the other fields can be set so check and apply them
gtsAdvancedVis.Boostable = false
if form.AdvancedVisibility != nil {
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Federated != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Federated = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Federated
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Replyable != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Replyable = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Replyable
if form.AdvancedVisibility.Likeable != nil {
gtsAdvancedVis.Likeable = *form.AdvancedVisibility.Likeable
case model.VisibilityDirect:
// direct is pretty easy: there's only one possible setting so return it
gtsAdvancedVis.Federated = true
gtsAdvancedVis.Boostable = false
gtsAdvancedVis.Federated = true
gtsAdvancedVis.Likeable = true
status.Visibility = gtsBasicVis
status.VisibilityAdvanced = gtsAdvancedVis
return nil
func (m *statusModule) parseReplyToID(form *advancedStatusCreateForm, thisAccountID string, status *model.Status) error {
if form.InReplyToID == "" {
return nil
// If this status is a reply to another status, we need to do a bit of work to establish whether or not this status can be posted:
// 1. Does the replied status exist in the database?
// 2. Is the replied status marked as replyable?
// 3. Does a block exist between either the current account or the account that posted the status it's replying to?
// If this is all OK, then we fetch the repliedStatus and the repliedAccount for later processing.
repliedStatus := &model.Status{}
repliedAccount := &model.Account{}
// check replied status exists + is replyable
if err := m.db.GetByID(form.InReplyToID, repliedStatus); err != nil || !repliedStatus.VisibilityAdvanced.Replyable {
return fmt.Errorf("status with id %s not replyable: %s", form.InReplyToID, err)
// check replied account is known to us
if err := m.db.GetByID(repliedStatus.AccountID, repliedAccount); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("status with id %s not replyable: %s", form.InReplyToID, err)
// check if a block exists
if blocked, err := m.db.Blocked(thisAccountID, repliedAccount.ID); err != nil || blocked {
return fmt.Errorf("status with id %s not replyable: %s", form.InReplyToID, err)
status.InReplyToID = repliedStatus.ID
return nil
func (m *statusModule) parseMediaIDs(form *advancedStatusCreateForm, thisAccountID string, status *model.Status) error {
if form.MediaIDs == nil {
return nil
attachments := []*model.MediaAttachment{}
for _, mediaID := range form.MediaIDs {
// check these attachments exist
a := &model.MediaAttachment{}
if err := m.db.GetByID(mediaID, a); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid media type or media not found for media id %s", mediaID)
// check they belong to the requesting account id
if a.AccountID != thisAccountID {
return fmt.Errorf("media with id %s does not belong to account %s", mediaID, thisAccountID)
attachments = append(attachments, a)
status.Attachments = attachments
return nil