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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package trace // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace"
import (
semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.26.0"
// newAutoTracerProvider returns an auto-instrumentable [trace.TracerProvider].
// If an [go.opentelemetry.io/auto.Instrumentation] is configured to instrument
// the process using the returned TracerProvider, all of the telemetry it
// produces will be processed and handled by that Instrumentation. By default,
// if no Instrumentation instruments the TracerProvider it will not generate
// any trace telemetry.
func newAutoTracerProvider() TracerProvider { return tracerProviderInstance }
var tracerProviderInstance = new(autoTracerProvider)
type autoTracerProvider struct{ embedded.TracerProvider }
var _ TracerProvider = autoTracerProvider{}
func (p autoTracerProvider) Tracer(name string, opts ...TracerOption) Tracer {
cfg := NewTracerConfig(opts...)
return autoTracer{
name: name,
version: cfg.InstrumentationVersion(),
schemaURL: cfg.SchemaURL(),
type autoTracer struct {
name, schemaURL, version string
var _ Tracer = autoTracer{}
func (t autoTracer) Start(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...SpanStartOption) (context.Context, Span) {
var psc SpanContext
sampled := true
span := new(autoSpan)
// Ask eBPF for sampling decision and span context info.
t.start(ctx, span, &psc, &sampled, &span.spanContext)
ctx = ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
if sampled {
// Only build traces if sampled.
cfg := NewSpanStartConfig(opts...)
span.traces, span.span = t.traces(name, cfg, span.spanContext, psc)
return ctx, span
// Expected to be implemented in eBPF.
func (t *autoTracer) start(
ctx context.Context,
spanPtr *autoSpan,
psc *SpanContext,
sampled *bool,
sc *SpanContext,
) {
start(ctx, spanPtr, psc, sampled, sc)
// start is used for testing.
var start = func(context.Context, *autoSpan, *SpanContext, *bool, *SpanContext) {}
func (t autoTracer) traces(name string, cfg SpanConfig, sc, psc SpanContext) (*telemetry.Traces, *telemetry.Span) {
span := &telemetry.Span{
TraceID: telemetry.TraceID(sc.TraceID()),
SpanID: telemetry.SpanID(sc.SpanID()),
Flags: uint32(sc.TraceFlags()),
TraceState: sc.TraceState().String(),
ParentSpanID: telemetry.SpanID(psc.SpanID()),
Name: name,
Kind: spanKind(cfg.SpanKind()),
span.Attrs, span.DroppedAttrs = convCappedAttrs(maxSpan.Attrs, cfg.Attributes())
links := cfg.Links()
if limit := maxSpan.Links; limit == 0 {
n := int64(len(links))
if n > 0 {
span.DroppedLinks = uint32(min(n, math.MaxUint32)) // nolint: gosec // Bounds checked.
} else {
if limit > 0 {
n := int64(max(len(links)-limit, 0))
span.DroppedLinks = uint32(min(n, math.MaxUint32)) // nolint: gosec // Bounds checked.
links = links[n:]
span.Links = convLinks(links)
if t := cfg.Timestamp(); !t.IsZero() {
span.StartTime = cfg.Timestamp()
} else {
span.StartTime = time.Now()
return &telemetry.Traces{
ResourceSpans: []*telemetry.ResourceSpans{
ScopeSpans: []*telemetry.ScopeSpans{
Scope: &telemetry.Scope{
Name: t.name,
Version: t.version,
Spans: []*telemetry.Span{span},
SchemaURL: t.schemaURL,
}, span
func spanKind(kind SpanKind) telemetry.SpanKind {
switch kind {
case SpanKindInternal:
return telemetry.SpanKindInternal
case SpanKindServer:
return telemetry.SpanKindServer
case SpanKindClient:
return telemetry.SpanKindClient
case SpanKindProducer:
return telemetry.SpanKindProducer
case SpanKindConsumer:
return telemetry.SpanKindConsumer
return telemetry.SpanKind(0) // undefined.
type autoSpan struct {
spanContext SpanContext
sampled atomic.Bool
mu sync.Mutex
traces *telemetry.Traces
span *telemetry.Span
func (s *autoSpan) SpanContext() SpanContext {
if s == nil {
return SpanContext{}
// s.spanContext is immutable, do not acquire lock s.mu.
return s.spanContext
func (s *autoSpan) IsRecording() bool {
if s == nil {
return false
return s.sampled.Load()
func (s *autoSpan) SetStatus(c codes.Code, msg string) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if s.span.Status == nil {
s.span.Status = new(telemetry.Status)
s.span.Status.Message = msg
switch c {
case codes.Unset:
s.span.Status.Code = telemetry.StatusCodeUnset
case codes.Error:
s.span.Status.Code = telemetry.StatusCodeError
case codes.Ok:
s.span.Status.Code = telemetry.StatusCodeOK
func (s *autoSpan) SetAttributes(attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
limit := maxSpan.Attrs
if limit == 0 {
// No attributes allowed.
n := int64(len(attrs))
if n > 0 {
s.span.DroppedAttrs += uint32(min(n, math.MaxUint32)) // nolint: gosec // Bounds checked.
m := make(map[string]int)
for i, a := range s.span.Attrs {
m[a.Key] = i
for _, a := range attrs {
val := convAttrValue(a.Value)
if val.Empty() {
if idx, ok := m[string(a.Key)]; ok {
s.span.Attrs[idx] = telemetry.Attr{
Key: string(a.Key),
Value: val,
} else if limit < 0 || len(s.span.Attrs) < limit {
s.span.Attrs = append(s.span.Attrs, telemetry.Attr{
Key: string(a.Key),
Value: val,
m[string(a.Key)] = len(s.span.Attrs) - 1
} else {
// convCappedAttrs converts up to limit attrs into a []telemetry.Attr. The
// number of dropped attributes is also returned.
func convCappedAttrs(limit int, attrs []attribute.KeyValue) ([]telemetry.Attr, uint32) {
n := len(attrs)
if limit == 0 {
var out uint32
if n > 0 {
out = uint32(min(int64(n), math.MaxUint32)) // nolint: gosec // Bounds checked.
return nil, out
if limit < 0 {
// Unlimited.
return convAttrs(attrs), 0
if n < 0 {
n = 0
limit = min(n, limit)
return convAttrs(attrs[:limit]), uint32(n - limit) // nolint: gosec // Bounds checked.
func convAttrs(attrs []attribute.KeyValue) []telemetry.Attr {
if len(attrs) == 0 {
// Avoid allocations if not necessary.
return nil
out := make([]telemetry.Attr, 0, len(attrs))
for _, attr := range attrs {
key := string(attr.Key)
val := convAttrValue(attr.Value)
if val.Empty() {
out = append(out, telemetry.Attr{Key: key, Value: val})
return out
func convAttrValue(value attribute.Value) telemetry.Value {
switch value.Type() {
case attribute.BOOL:
return telemetry.BoolValue(value.AsBool())
case attribute.INT64:
return telemetry.Int64Value(value.AsInt64())
case attribute.FLOAT64:
return telemetry.Float64Value(value.AsFloat64())
case attribute.STRING:
v := truncate(maxSpan.AttrValueLen, value.AsString())
return telemetry.StringValue(v)
case attribute.BOOLSLICE:
slice := value.AsBoolSlice()
out := make([]telemetry.Value, 0, len(slice))
for _, v := range slice {
out = append(out, telemetry.BoolValue(v))
return telemetry.SliceValue(out...)
case attribute.INT64SLICE:
slice := value.AsInt64Slice()
out := make([]telemetry.Value, 0, len(slice))
for _, v := range slice {
out = append(out, telemetry.Int64Value(v))
return telemetry.SliceValue(out...)
case attribute.FLOAT64SLICE:
slice := value.AsFloat64Slice()
out := make([]telemetry.Value, 0, len(slice))
for _, v := range slice {
out = append(out, telemetry.Float64Value(v))
return telemetry.SliceValue(out...)
case attribute.STRINGSLICE:
slice := value.AsStringSlice()
out := make([]telemetry.Value, 0, len(slice))
for _, v := range slice {
v = truncate(maxSpan.AttrValueLen, v)
out = append(out, telemetry.StringValue(v))
return telemetry.SliceValue(out...)
return telemetry.Value{}
// truncate returns a truncated version of s such that it contains less than
// the limit number of characters. Truncation is applied by returning the limit
// number of valid characters contained in s.
// If limit is negative, it returns the original string.
// UTF-8 is supported. When truncating, all invalid characters are dropped
// before applying truncation.
// If s already contains less than the limit number of bytes, it is returned
// unchanged. No invalid characters are removed.
func truncate(limit int, s string) string {
// This prioritize performance in the following order based on the most
// common expected use-cases.
// - Short values less than the default limit (128).
// - Strings with valid encodings that exceed the limit.
// - No limit.
// - Strings with invalid encodings that exceed the limit.
if limit < 0 || len(s) <= limit {
return s
// Optimistically, assume all valid UTF-8.
var b strings.Builder
count := 0
for i, c := range s {
if c != utf8.RuneError {
if count > limit {
return s[:i]
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
if size == 1 {
// Invalid encoding.
b.Grow(len(s) - 1)
_, _ = b.WriteString(s[:i])
s = s[i:]
// Fast-path, no invalid input.
if b.Cap() == 0 {
return s
// Truncate while validating UTF-8.
for i := 0; i < len(s) && count < limit; {
c := s[i]
if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
// Optimization for single byte runes (common case).
_ = b.WriteByte(c)
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
if size == 1 {
// We checked for all 1-byte runes above, this is a RuneError.
_, _ = b.WriteString(s[i : i+size])
i += size
return b.String()
func (s *autoSpan) End(opts ...SpanEndOption) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Swap(false) {
// s.end exists so the lock (s.mu) is not held while s.ended is called.
func (s *autoSpan) end(opts []SpanEndOption) []byte {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
cfg := NewSpanEndConfig(opts...)
if t := cfg.Timestamp(); !t.IsZero() {
s.span.EndTime = cfg.Timestamp()
} else {
s.span.EndTime = time.Now()
b, _ := json.Marshal(s.traces) // TODO: do not ignore this error.
return b
// Expected to be implemented in eBPF.
func (*autoSpan) ended(buf []byte) { ended(buf) }
// ended is used for testing.
var ended = func([]byte) {}
func (s *autoSpan) RecordError(err error, opts ...EventOption) {
if s == nil || err == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
cfg := NewEventConfig(opts...)
attrs := cfg.Attributes()
attrs = append(attrs,
if cfg.StackTrace() {
buf := make([]byte, 2048)
n := runtime.Stack(buf, false)
attrs = append(attrs, semconv.ExceptionStacktrace(string(buf[0:n])))
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.addEvent(semconv.ExceptionEventName, cfg.Timestamp(), attrs)
func typeStr(i any) string {
t := reflect.TypeOf(i)
if t.PkgPath() == "" && t.Name() == "" {
// Likely a builtin type.
return t.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", t.PkgPath(), t.Name())
func (s *autoSpan) AddEvent(name string, opts ...EventOption) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
cfg := NewEventConfig(opts...)
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.addEvent(name, cfg.Timestamp(), cfg.Attributes())
// addEvent adds an event with name and attrs at tStamp to the span. The span
// lock (s.mu) needs to be held by the caller.
func (s *autoSpan) addEvent(name string, tStamp time.Time, attrs []attribute.KeyValue) {
limit := maxSpan.Events
if limit == 0 {
if limit > 0 && len(s.span.Events) == limit {
// Drop head while avoiding allocation of more capacity.
copy(s.span.Events[:limit-1], s.span.Events[1:])
s.span.Events = s.span.Events[:limit-1]
e := &telemetry.SpanEvent{Time: tStamp, Name: name}
e.Attrs, e.DroppedAttrs = convCappedAttrs(maxSpan.EventAttrs, attrs)
s.span.Events = append(s.span.Events, e)
func (s *autoSpan) AddLink(link Link) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
l := maxSpan.Links
defer s.mu.Unlock()
if l == 0 {
if l > 0 && len(s.span.Links) == l {
// Drop head while avoiding allocation of more capacity.
copy(s.span.Links[:l-1], s.span.Links[1:])
s.span.Links = s.span.Links[:l-1]
s.span.Links = append(s.span.Links, convLink(link))
func convLinks(links []Link) []*telemetry.SpanLink {
out := make([]*telemetry.SpanLink, 0, len(links))
for _, link := range links {
out = append(out, convLink(link))
return out
func convLink(link Link) *telemetry.SpanLink {
l := &telemetry.SpanLink{
TraceID: telemetry.TraceID(link.SpanContext.TraceID()),
SpanID: telemetry.SpanID(link.SpanContext.SpanID()),
TraceState: link.SpanContext.TraceState().String(),
Flags: uint32(link.SpanContext.TraceFlags()),
l.Attrs, l.DroppedAttrs = convCappedAttrs(maxSpan.LinkAttrs, link.Attributes)
return l
func (s *autoSpan) SetName(name string) {
if s == nil || !s.sampled.Load() {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
s.span.Name = name
func (*autoSpan) TracerProvider() TracerProvider { return newAutoTracerProvider() }
// maxSpan are the span limits resolved during startup.
var maxSpan = newSpanLimits()
type spanLimits struct {
// Attrs is the number of allowed attributes for a span.
// This is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_SPAN_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT key if it exists. Otherwise, the
// environment variable value for OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT, or 128 if
// that is not set, is used.
Attrs int
// AttrValueLen is the maximum attribute value length allowed for a span.
// This is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_SPAN_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT key if it exists. Otherwise, the
// environment variable value for OTEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LENGTH_LIMIT, or -1
// if that is not set, is used.
AttrValueLen int
// Events is the number of allowed events for a span.
// This is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_SPAN_EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT key, or 128 is used if that is not set.
Events int
// EventAttrs is the number of allowed attributes for a span event.
// The is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT key, or 128 is used if that is not set.
EventAttrs int
// Links is the number of allowed Links for a span.
// This is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_SPAN_LINK_COUNT_LIMIT, or 128 is used if that is not set.
Links int
// LinkAttrs is the number of allowed attributes for a span link.
// This is resolved from the environment variable value for the
// OTEL_LINK_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT, or 128 is used if that is not set.
LinkAttrs int
func newSpanLimits() spanLimits {
return spanLimits{
Attrs: firstEnv(
AttrValueLen: firstEnv(
-1, // Unlimited.
Events: firstEnv(128, "OTEL_SPAN_EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT"),
EventAttrs: firstEnv(128, "OTEL_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT"),
Links: firstEnv(128, "OTEL_SPAN_LINK_COUNT_LIMIT"),
LinkAttrs: firstEnv(128, "OTEL_LINK_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT"),
// firstEnv returns the parsed integer value of the first matching environment
// variable from keys. The defaultVal is returned if the value is not an
// integer or no match is found.
func firstEnv(defaultVal int, keys ...string) int {
for _, key := range keys {
strV := os.Getenv(key)
if strV == "" {
v, err := strconv.Atoi(strV)
if err == nil {
return v
// Ignore invalid environment variable.
return defaultVal