:root { --white1: #fff; --white2: #777; --gray1: #1c1c1c; --gray2: #222; --gray3: #333; --gray4: #444; --gray5: #555; --gray6: #666; --orange1: #fd6a00; --orange2: #ff853e; --blue1: #3a9fde; --blue2: #66befe; --blue3: #82d8fd; --error1: #ff5555; --error2: #fddec6; --error3: #dd2c2c; --error-link: #01318C; --green1: #baf39e; --info-fg: var(--gray1); --info-bg: #b3ddff; --info-link: var(--error-link); --fg: var(--white1); --bg: var(--gray1); --bg-trans: rgba(77, 78, 86, 0.62); --bg-accent: var(--gray3); --fg-accent: var(--blue3); --fg-reduced: var(--white2); --border-accent: var(--orange2); --link-fg: var(--fg-accent); --role-admin: var(--orange2); --role-mod: var(--blue2); --profile-bg: var(--gray3); --button-bg: var(--blue2); --button-fg: var(--gray1); --button-hover-bg: var(--blue3); --button-danger-bg: var(--error3); --button-danger-fg: var(--white1); --button-danger-hover-bg: var(--error2); --toot-bg: var(--gray3); --toot-info-bg: var(--gray2); --toot-focus-bg: var(--gray3); --toot-focus-info-bg: var(--gray3); --no-img-desc-bg: var(--orange1); --no-img-desc-fg: var(--gray1); --bg-sensitive: var(--gray1); --boxshadow: 0 0.4rem 1rem -0.1rem rgba(0,0,0,0.15); --boxshadow-border: 0.08rem solid var(--gray1); --avatar-border: var(gray); --input-bg: var(--gray3); --input-disabled-bg: var(--gray2); --input-border: var(--blue1); --input-error-border: var(--error3); --input-focus-border: var(--blue3); --settings-nav-bg: var(--bg); --settings-nav-header-fg: var(--orange2); --settings-nav-bg-hover: var(--gray3); --settings-nav-fg-hover: var(--fg); --settings-nav-bg-active: var(--blue3); --settings-nav-border-active: var(--info-bg); --settings-nav-fg-active: var(--gray2); --error-fg: var(--error1); --error-bg: var(--error2); --list-entry-bg: var(--gray2); --list-entry-alternate-bg: var(--gray3); --list-entry-hover-bg: var(--gray3); --plyr-color-main: var(--orange2); --plyr-video-background: var(--bg-accent); --plyr-badge-background: var(--bg-accent); --plyr-video-controls-background: var(--bg-accent); --plyr-badge-text-color: var(--fg); --plyr-badge-border-radius: var(--br); --plyr-video-progress-buffered-background: var(--gray6) } /* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* This stylesheets defines (color) variables to be used by other stylesheets on the page postcss-custom-prop-vars will transpile these to css --variables */ /* Color definitions */ /* Foreground */ /* default text color, contrast >= 5.0 with all $grays */ /* less important text, can be used with $gray1 (6.8), $gray2 (5.5), $gray3 (4.9), $gray4 (4.5) */ /* Background shades, contrast >= 5.0 with $white1 (#fafaff) */ /* Used for non-text accent colors, can be used as background: $gray1 for text color (contrast 4.6)*/ /* hover/selected accent to $orange1, can be used with $gray1 (5.7), $gray2 (4.6) */ /* darker blue for smaller elements (borders), can only be used with $gray1 (4.7) */ /* all-round accent color, can be used with $gray1 (6.8), $gray2 (5.5), $gray3 (4.9), $gray4 (4.5) */ /* hover/selected accent to $blue2, can be used with $gray1 (7.9), $gray2 (6.3), $gray3 (5.6), $gray4 (5.2), $gray5 (4.7) */ /* Error border/foreground text, can be used with $error2 (5.0), $white1 (10), $white2 (5.1) */ /* Error background text, can be used with $error1 (5.0), $gray1 (6.6), $gray2 (5.3), $gray3 (4.8) */ /* Error button background text, can be used with $white1 (4.51) */ /* Error link text, can be used with $error2 (5.56) */ /* Green for positive/confirmation, similar contrast (luminance) as $blue2 */ /* Color variables as used in a specific location */ /* Plyr video player */