2024-04-30 21:52:57 +02:00
Personal source code system of [Dym Sohin ](https://dym.sh/about/ ), a Full-Stack Web-Developer
2023-10-06 23:44:46 +02:00
### categories of projects i create and maintain
2024-06-10 11:40:23 +02:00
#### [/apps](https://source.garden/apps/) — apps and web-based tools (mostly to get, transform, and view data)
- [asyncron ](https://source.garden/apps/asyncron/ ) – a synchronized checklist verification
- [clean-urls ](https://source.garden/apps/clean-urls/ ) – cleaning URLs from www, final slashes, and utm_
- [clown-id ](https://source.garden/apps/clown-id/ ) – bun svelte fediverse clown costume parts
- [dir2feed ](https://source.garden/apps/dir2feed/ ) – create rss/podcast feed from a directory of audio files (fork of https://gist.github.com/vsoch/4898025919365bf23b6f )
- [git-io-addon ](https://source.garden/apps/git-io-addon/ ) – git.io browser extension with support for custom URLs and shrt-history (2013)
- [grid ](https://source.garden/apps/grid/ ) – multi-monitor dashboard
- [gtlds ](https://source.garden/apps/gtlds/ ) – sort .gTLD's by length and price
- [inventory ](https://source.garden/apps/inventory/ ) – content management in a form of a spreadsheet table with typization, tagging, and multimedia
- [link-shortener ](https://source.garden/apps/link-shortener/ )
- [photo-manager ](https://source.garden/apps/photo-manager/ ) – Upload and Management of Photos (node.js, 2016)
- [randomize-letter-writings ](https://source.garden/apps/randomize-letter-writings/ )
- [urls-from-profiles ](https://source.garden/apps/urls-from-profiles/ ) – the users.CSV to feeds.OPML pipeline
#### [/config](https://source.garden/config/) — settings, configs, dotfiles
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- [browser-addons ](https://source.garden/config/browser-addons/ ) – config files for addons of web-browsers
- [desktop-debian ](https://source.garden/config/desktop-debian/ ) – system settings, config files, and scripts
- [desktop-macos ](https://source.garden/config/desktop-macos/ )
- [desktop-nixos ](https://source.garden/config/desktop-nixos/ )
- [desktop-ubuntu ](https://source.garden/config/desktop-ubuntu/ ) – system settings, config files, and scripts
- [desktop-windows ](https://source.garden/config/desktop-windows/ )
- [server-debian ](https://source.garden/config/server-debian/ ) – setup site, mail, git, etc
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#### [/scripts](https://source.garden/scripts/) — small helper-script (mostly in shell/bash/zsh)
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- [_dump ](https://source.garden/scripts/_dump/ ) – a pile of shell script too small to get their own repos
- [bak ](https://source.garden/scripts/bak/ ) – scripts for making backups
- [rename-ext ](https://source.garden/scripts/rename-ext/ ) – changes file-extension based on mime-type
- [y ](https://source.garden/scripts/y/ ) – algorithmically-enhanced yt-dlp (youtube-dl) wrapper for audio-downloads
- [yt-hide ](https://source.garden/scripts/yt-hide/ ) – hide unwanted (watched, upcoming, live, long) videos on YouTube's pages (forked from )
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#### [/styles](https://source.garden/styles/) — themes, usersyles, and templates (mostly in css and html)
2024-06-10 11:50:14 +02:00
- [behance-img-rightclick ](https://source.garden/styles/behance-img-rightclick/ ) – allow rightclick on image elements on behance.net
- [forgejo-pale-rainbow ](https://source.garden/styles/forgejo-pale-rainbow/ ) – default forgejo-dark but true-gray
- [freefeed-dark ](https://source.garden/styles/freefeed-dark/ ) – Dark Mode for [freefeed.net mokum.place myfeed.rocks] (2018)
- [gravatar-chevron ](https://source.garden/styles/gravatar-chevron/ ) – better chevron for buttons with icons, i.e. «Read our Privacy Policy»
- [gts-pale-rainbow ](https://source.garden/styles/gts-pale-rainbow/ ) – true-gray GotoSocial-v0.15 theme
- [markdown-raw ](https://source.garden/styles/markdown-raw/ ) – CSS style to make HTML look like raw markdown
- [sublime-monokai-colors ](https://source.garden/styles/sublime-monokai-colors/ )
- [tonsky-neutral-gray ](https://source.garden/styles/tonsky-neutral-gray/ ) – that yellow background was very nerving
- [translit-dark ](https://source.garden/styles/translit-dark/ ) – Dark Mode for Translit.net
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#### [/ui](https://source.garden/ui/) — user-interfaces; web-pages (the read-only/data-display kind)
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- [alvarez ](https://source.garden/ui/alvarez/ )
- [gfs ](https://source.garden/ui/gfs/ )
- [homepage-2023 ](https://source.garden/ui/homepage-2023/ )
- [immo ](https://source.garden/ui/immo/ )
- [ns5 ](https://source.garden/ui/ns5/ )
- [todays-place ](https://source.garden/ui/todays-place/ )
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#### [/vis](https://source.garden/vis/) — creative coding, data-/visualization, and generative arts
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- [beads ](https://source.garden/vis/beads/ )
- [radiator-furnace ](https://source.garden/vis/radiator-furnace/ ) – ambient of furnace with flames inside it
- [rainbow-star-cluster ](https://source.garden/vis/rainbow-star-cluster/ ) – random distribution of colored dots in 3D