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Raw Blame History

Personal source code system of Dym Sohin, a Full-Stack Web-Developer

categories of projects i create and maintain

/apps — apps and web-based tools (mostly to get, transform, and view data)

/config — settings, configs, dotfiles

/scripts — small helper-script (mostly in shell/bash/zsh)

  • _dump a pile of shell script too small to get their own repos
  • bak scripts for making backups
  • rename-ext changes file-extension based on mime-type
  • y algorithmically-enhanced yt-dlp (youtube-dl) wrapper for audio-downloads
  • yt-hide hide unwanted (watched, upcoming, live, long) videos on YouTube's pages (forked from )

/styles — themes, usersyles, and templates (mostly in css and html)

/ui — user-interfaces; web-pages (the read-only/data-display kind)

/vis — creative coding, data-/visualization, and generative arts