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Personal source code system of Dym Sohin, a professional Web/App/Ui Developer
categories of projects i create and maintain
- /apps — apps and web-apps
- /config — settings, config files, scripts
- /homepages — my homepages through the ages
- /scripts — small helper-script, mostly in shell/bash/zsh
- /styles — themes, usersyles, and templates, mostly in css and html
- /tools — tools and web-tools, mostly to get, transform, and view data
- /vis — creative coding, data-/visualization, and generative arts
- /web — websites and webpages (the data-display kind)
and also
- @dym — my personal stuff and some repos which did not fit into any other categories
- /source-garden — source code of this very website
- /mirrors — git-clones of other people's projects